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The library provides various utility methods to build it's features on.


Since there is a lot of calculation done under the hood, the library defines required mathematical operations that are commonly used.

party.math.deg2rad; // ฯ€ / 180party.math.rad2deg; // 180 / ฯ€party.math.epsilon; // a small value to compare against
party.math.lerp(a, b, t); // linear interpolation from a to b by tparty.math.slerp(a, b, t); // lerp with easing appliedparty.math.invlerp(a, b, v); // inverse lerpparty.math.clamp(value, min, max); // clamps the specified value between min and maxparty.math.approximately(a, b); // a โ‰ˆ b


Common "random" operations in the library as helper methods.

party.random.randomRange(min, max); // random number from min to maxparty.random.pick(array); // random element in arrayparty.random.randomUnitVector(); // random 3d vectorparty.random.randomInsideRect(rect); // random point inside a given rectangle

The actual randomization implementation is still up to the underlying JavaScript implementation.


Despawning Rules#

To allow variety in the way that particles disappear, the particle has the default despawning rules saved in a lookup under party.despawningRules. These are functions that take a particle as a parameter, and check whether the particle is ready to be despawned. By default, these rules include:

  • lifetime: The particle is despawned once it's lifetime is over.
  • bounds: The particle is despawned once it's position goes below the lower edge of the document.


// overrides the defaults specified in A with the partial object, b);// converts euler angles (in degrees) to a normal;